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Introducing Coin Metrics’ Bitcoin Wallet Metrics

By |2023-03-24T17:17:37-04:00December 14, 2021|Antoine Le Calvez, Kyle Waters, State of the Network|

One of Coin Metrics’ goals is to determine the economic significance of public blockchains. We try to achieve this by building metrics that empower people to make informed crypto financial decisions. Among the most interesting features to track for public [...]

Comparing Returns Across the Major ERC-20 Tokens

By |2023-03-24T17:18:09-04:00December 7, 2021|Kyle Waters, Nate Maddrey, State of the Network|

One of the primary use cases of Ethereum and other smart contract platforms is the creation of digital tokens. Tokens today represent assets like sovereign currencies (stablecoins), facilitate protocol governance, and broadly help create new incentive mechanisms. There are 389K [...]

Explaining Some of Crypto’s Biggest Data Anomalies

By |2023-03-24T17:18:21-04:00November 30, 2021|Kyle Waters, Nate Maddrey, State of the Network|

The history of economics and finance is filled with examples of data oddities and irregularities. Numerous economic time series are marked by sudden spikes and abrupt trend reversals. Some better-known examples include fiat currency collapses, financial crises, flash crashes, and [...]

Do Ethereum Gas Fees Vary by Time and Day of Week?

By |2023-03-24T17:18:39-04:00November 24, 2021|Kyle Waters, Nate Maddrey, State of the Network|

With network activity rising and ETH’s price above $4K, twenty-two days into November there has yet to be a day with sub-$30 mean transaction fee on Ethereum. With fees on the rise some users might be wondering if it makes sense to [...]

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