Today, Coin Metrics is happy to announce the release of CM Reference Rates Methodology v2.0. This is a substantial update to our CM Reference Rates product, and we are excited to share the details with you below.
CM Reference Rates Methodology v2.0 includes the following updates:
- Ongoing Hourly Rates publication: Going forward, CM Reference Rates will increase Publication Fixing Times from daily, at midnight UTC, to every hour.
- Historical Hourly Rates publication: In addition to hourly publication going forward, we are publishing all historical hourly reference rates. The historical daily reference rate has been replaced by the hourly reference rate for midnight UTC. Note that while these two rates are almost always equal, in certain limited circumstances, the new 2.0 historical daily rate may differ slightly from the 1.0 rate during periods of low liquidity. In the circumstances where the prices did change, the median absolute percentage change in was 0.1 percent for both Bitcoin and Ethereum. Other assets received similar minor changes.
- Human Oversight Fixings: Under the previous methodology, Coin Metrics applied both automated and human oversight to the single, published Fixing Time at midnight UTC. In the new methodology, Coin Metrics will apply automated oversight to every hourly publication but shift human oversight from the midnight UTC Fixing Time to New York Close Fixing Time at 4:00 PM EST.
- Expanded Coverage Universe: Added 93 assets to provide coverage of over 200 of the top crypto assets.